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  • The Goon Line 012: Abby Lee Miller's theater etiquette

The Goon Line 012: Abby Lee Miller's theater etiquette

I think I'm going to Baskin Robbins.

I have a lot of folders and files across various apps and platforms that are marked “emergency.” They are for easy access to internets I feel sudden urges to consume immediately and often.

At my last job I had a link to this tweet (unembeddable, please click through, sorry for not embedding the video from yesterday) pinned to my Google Chrome Bookmarks toolbar, conveniently and prominently alongside tools I needed to do my actual work. I probably clicked on this more often than I did some of the shortcuts to said work tools, because I watched and shared it all the time. (I experienced a lot of emergencies there, too.)

In 58 seconds, we get an entire narrative arc. I don’t need to walk you through every plot point or spoil how wonderful the whole thing is, so just watch it. Abby Lee, a fellow Pittsburgher, is ridiculous and problematic (and has been to jail? And then bounced back to rejoin reality television? And then left again?). I don’t know what she’s doing today, but I sure hope she got that ice cream.


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