The Goon Line 015: Nestflix

Starring Jeff Portnoy, Jeff Portnoy and Jeff Portnoy

Here’s a fun one for your Friday, particularly if you like to map out your weekend watch plans as much as I do (and then invariably sit drooling on the Roku remote while you turn on the Kidney Now episode of 30 Rock for the five zillionth time).

Nestflix is a fake streamer that catalogs fake movies and televisions from inside of other (real) movies and television shows. Imagine a service that finally lets you find out what all of the critical buzz was about Satan’s Alley, Queens Boulevard and — speaking of 30 Rock — The Rural Juror.

I always told you I was an arbiter of good taste

I love taking goofs gooves to new heights, and I love a good Easter Egg, so Nestflix really got me with these. This site showcases easily hundreds of entries, many of which I don’t even understand. But even when I don’t have context, these fake big- and small-screen works are really fun to learn more about. And if I’m lucky, maybe one of them will inform my real-life viewing of something that actually does exist… even though I just really wish it could be five seasons of Queen of Jordan.


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