The Goon Line 023: Scalia's Full Dissent


That was such a red, mad and nude subhead. I just got pretty scared anyone would think I was actually talking about this guy in a real way.

So, as we’ve said, Twitter used to be good. Mid-last-decade, I had a painstakingly curated and completely uproarious list of accounts in my “following” tab, and wasted a lot of time reading that website, marveling that people could be so clever and so hilarious in so few characters. I was never a good tweeter myself; I don’t like engaging when I am not invited, and I can never be both funny and succinct.

But, it was really fun to consume — and one of the greatest exchanges on Twitter remains, to me, from late June 2015, after the Supreme Court legalized marriage equality and noted loser Antonin Scalia lost his shit.

No spoilers but “I’m a judge and it’s illegal for me to lie” gets me every time

Enter “Scalia’s full dissent,” a masterpiece of a Twitter conversation between two individuals envisioning and retelling Scalia’s post-ruling statement, escalating in casual protestations of just how not mad he was about it. This conversation is no longer available on the site itself, but the internet never forgets. (I also have not closed this tab on my phone in at least three years, and somehow have screenshots of this whole thing. That’s how much I love it.)

Anyway, if you’re after a very, VERY funny exchange and a reminder of Tweets past, here you go. Just don’t take off your robe after you read it because of how not mad you are.


or to participate.