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  • The Goon Line 041: This terrible/hilarious Miles Teller profile

The Goon Line 041: This terrible/hilarious Miles Teller profile

"I probably think I'm better-looking than the public thinks I am."

I watched Whiplash on an international flight about a year after it came out, but it was on one of those planes that was broadcasting the same movie to the entire cabin. So they bleeped out all of the cusses, and I basically missed 75% of the film.

I didn’t like the cut of this kid’s jib then, and I’ve never changed my mind about him. A true hero, Anna Peele, wrote a profile about him in Esquire magazine in 2015 that confirmed everything I already knew about the young man behind this sneering little face. It is still a great read, so please get in there and engage with this content today.

That’s it! That’s the Goon! Sometimes short ones are just gonna be what you get. Especially on a Monday. #garfield


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