The Goon Line 042: NTWICE 2018

There's got to be a morning after

Is the weather nice where you live? Are you ready to roll down the windows in your car? Then have I got a playlist for you.

In college I made and distributed a mix CD (pauses to clean bifocals, take a slug of Geritol) that was a playlist full of absolute bangers that all fell under the genre of “embarrassing music.” Or at least it was deeply uncool at the turn of the millennium, but we’ve all seen the renaissance of smooth jams.

It was named “Now that’s what I call embarrassing,” which we abbreviated to NTWICE (pronounced “N Twice,” obviously). The title was clearly a nod to those “Now that’s what I call music” CD compilations THAT THEY ARE STILL MAKING. And in 2018 I recreated and augmented my original mix CD to include even more of the sax-heavy tunes we begrudgingly love.

Anyway, roll your windows down and blast this shit. One of the coolest things about aging is getting to own being embarrassing, so let your NTWICE flag fly.


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